Top Natural Remedies for Dark Eye Circles

Dark circles under the eyes are a typical appeal problem. These under eye dark circles give us a look of tiredness or health problem. They make us feel even worse and are rather detrimental to our self-confidence.

What are dark circles under the eyes?

The skin below our eyes is very thin and is sparsely dotted with oil glands unlike the skin on the remainder of the body. Due to different factors, the skin under the eyes ends up being thin and dry. Veins listed below eyes appear plainly when the under eye skin ends up being dry and thin. This provides the area a dark appearance.

What causes dark circles under eyes?

There are numerous factors which trigger dark circles. Few of them have been noted by and are mentioned below.


If others in your household have dark circles then there are sporting chances of you getting dark circles under the eyes. The thinness of under eye skin is a genetic character. The thin under eye skin reveals dark veins beneath and looks like dark circles under eyes.

If you are more vulnerable to allergic reactions like itching of skin which is inherited then dark circles under eyes might be triggered due to rubbing and inflammation of under eye skin.

The absence of Sleep and Fatigue:

Partying all night, lack of sleep, tiredness, sinus infections, pregnancy all these might cause paleness of skin. Pale skin makes capillary to appear plainly and offer a look of dark circles.

Structure of Bone

Eyes set deep in skull bones may establish ark shadow under them.

Direct exposure to Sunlight

Exposure to sunlight increases the level of coloring and trigger tanning. The very same thing uses well for the skin under the eyes. When skin under eyes gets exposed to the sun it tans and appears dark.


Medications which cause dilation of capillary trigger dark circles under the eyes. Dilated blood vessels enable more blood to stream through them and these capillary look prominent through under eye skin which is really thin.


Poor nutrition results in the paleness of skin under eyes. The absence of vital nutrients in diet plan or bad diet causes staining of under eye skin.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal Imbalance throughout pregnancy, menstruation, menopause etc cause paleness of skin and this result in the look of dark circles under the eyes.


As we grow old the skin under eyes ends up being more dry and old and wrinkly. The wrinkled skin listed below eyes appears as dark circle eyes.

Tips for Dark Eye Circles

The best ways to get rid of dark circle under the eyes is the question that occurs in your mind when you are suffering from under eye dark circles. Here are services suggested by Yaldo Eye Center for under eye dark circles.

  1. Hiding the dark circle eyes through makeup techniques.
  2. Preventing usage of bleach or peels to make the dark circle eyes light.
  3. Treat the reason for disease pointed out above.
  4. Sleep for adequately long hours to prevent the development of dark circles under the eyes.
  5. Do not scratch the under eye skin.
  6. Diet plan, which is rich in nutrients helps to get rid of dark circle eyes.
  7. Gently tap the under eye skin with one or two fingers to
  8. Increase the blood flow.

Ayurveda treatment for dark circles under eyes

The build-up of toxic substances in the body causes dark circles. The Ayurveda treatment for dark circle includes 2 actions.

  1. Body Detoxification.
  2. Skin restoration.

Leading Ten Home solutions for Dark circles under eye

  1. Grate cucumber and capture fresh juice from gratings. Dip two cotton balls in it and keep these cotton balls on eyes. This unwinds eyes and alleviates fatigue of eyes. Thought about as the very best remedy for under eye dark circles.
  2. The above process has actually been discovered to be efficient when done using a potato.
  3. Use a paste of lemon juice, tomato puree, orange lentil flour (masoor dal) and turmeric powder (if you are not adverse it) on under eye dark circles. Leave it for 15 minutes and clean it off.
  4. Drink lots of water (more than 15 glasses).
  5. Consume fresh fruits, green veggies which are rich in fiber.
  6. Sleep well a minimum of for 7-8 hrs daily.
  7. Reduce stress levels by practicing yoga and meditation. Pranayama decreases dark circles and increases radiance of skin.
  8. Avoid sweets and chocolates.
  9. Dip two cotton balls in rose water and position them on your eyes, covering dark circles.
  10. Keep thin cold cucumber slices on the eyes when they feel tired.

For more information to remove dark circles under the eyes visit