Whether you’re burdened by excessive body hair, regretting a bad tattoo or fretting over the many wrinkles you’ve acquired over the years, you’re not alone in wishing that your skin looked different. Both the natural aging process and sudden events take their toll, and what remains is skin that’s blemished, stretched and altogether unsightly. Fortunately, laser anti-aging and dermatological procedures have improved immensely in recent years. Gone are the days when desperate patients handed over thousands of dollars for treatments that provided nothing more than discomfort and frustration. These days, there’s no need to fear extensive pain or outrageous bills. There’s a simple solution with places like Serenity Rejuvenation Center.
Located in beautiful Bellevue, Washington, Serenity Rejuvenation Center, located online at http://serenityrejuvenationcenter.com/, is a medical spa that offers a wide variety of treatments for skin issues. From PicoSure laser skin resurfacing to painless laser hair removal to incredibly effective laser tattoo removal, the center combines the most technologically advanced devices available today with ADMS board-certified staff to give every patient a pleasant and worthwhile experience.
Laser skin resurfacing treatments are both comfortable and effective. The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery confirms their effectiveness, saying “The improvements possible with laser resurfacing are long lasting and can be dramatic” and “Results typically last for years with proper skin care.” Serenity’s PicoSure laser device targets fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging using powerful bursts of light that go beneath the skin’s surface and activate the body’s natural healing process. New cells are created and the skin is left looking years younger. The procedure is completed without any need for anesthetic and the patient is free to continue their day with no downtime.
Another way lasers can improve appearance is through hair removal and tattoo removal. Using the Cynosure Apogee Elite Plus, the team at Serenity targets areas of unwanted hair and destroys the cells responsible for promoting hair growth, all the while leaving the remaining skin perfectly safe. With this procedure, embarrassing facial hair and excessive arm hair are gone for good. For those who would like something else to disappear, Serenity can get rid of that unwanted ink with their tattoo removal treatment. The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery notes that laser tattoo removal is “Considered safer than other treatment options” and “Offers improved therapeutic results” as well as producing less scarring than other methods. Serenity Rejuvenation Center uses PicoSure technology to remove the maximum amount of ink in as few sessions as possible.
As the biggest organ in the human body, your skin goes through a lot trying to protect you, and whether through choice or chance, it’s bound to get damaged in some way. Regardless of how your skin condition came about, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Laser skin treatments at Serenity Rejuvenation Center are a safe, affordable solution. Try a treatment, and pretty soon you’ll be smiling at what you see in the mirror.